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Wrap Around Care

Wrap Around Care

We understand that parents and carers lead very busy lives and can’t always be available at the usual school hours.

That's why we offer before and after school care which are both provided by the school and external providers.

Breakfast Club

The school hosts a daily Breakfast Club in the mornings for children to get a healthy and nutritious breakfast, as well as socialise with existing and new friends through a range of varied activities. Parents find that dropping their child off at our breakfast club alleviates the stress of the chaotic morning routine.

The club starts at 7.30am every weekday morning. You can pick up an application form from the school office.

• Regular full/part-time (pre-booked) - £3.75 per morning
• Drop-ins - £5.75 per morning

After School Club

We run a wide range of afterschool clubs of which some are run by the school and others are run by external providers.

To book a place on a club run by the school:
Please wait for a text alert from the school telling you that bookings and payments are being taken for the club. Texts will only be sent to parents of children in the relevant year groups.

Every time a club is uploaded on Schoolcomms (the online payment system), a text will be sent to parents of children in the relevant year group advising that places are available to book and pay for on a first come, first served basis. Once you have paid, an automatic receipt will be sent to your email address. This receipt will provide confirmation that your child has a place in the club. Please think carefully about whether your child will enjoy the club before confirming a booking as refunds may not be available should you change your mind at a later date. Once all places have been filled up, Schoolcomms will no longer allow parents to make payments for that club. Please do ensure that the school has a valid email address for you.

If you do NOT wish to enrol your child in a club, you do not need to do anything – just ignore the text message.

To book a place in a club run by an external provider:
Please contact the club provider directly – booking details and payment information will be included in their promotional leaflets or via their website.

The After School club schedules for each term can be found below:

 Academic Year 2024/ 2025

Academic Year 2023/2024

Academic Year 2022/2023

Academic Year 2021/2022



Onsite After School Childcare

The school has partnered with Aktiva Camps in order to provide onsite after school childcare. Aktiva provides multi-activity after-school care for children in nursery up to Year 6 in a safe, fun and friendly environment. The sessions run from the end of school day until 6.00pm.

Aktiva staff will collect your child from their classroom and take them to the after- school club area. After registration, children will be offered a choice of sports and activities. For those children who are tired from their day at school, Aktiva offers quiet break-out corners where they can play or read.

Aktiva provides children with a healthy snack during each session. Children help us choose the menu and assist in preparing the food. Parents and carers are welcome to collect their child at a time that suits them. To book please ring 020 3544 6332 or go to: https://booking.aktivacamps.com/login