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Pupils eligible for pupil premium funding and those with SEND in each year group make similar progress to other pupils in the school. Leaders make good use of resources to enable all pupils, including the most able, to have an equal opportunity to succeed.

Ofsted, June 2019

Being an inclusive school is a fundamental part of Derwentwater Primary School's ethos. Our aim is to provide equal access to a broad and balanced curriculum for all children, whatever their individual need. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone feels valued and respected at school and that every opportunity is given to a child to help them make progress.

Many children need extra help with their learning at some time in their education. We have clear procedures to identify children with additional needs quickly and to involve parents in the process so we can make important links between home and school. Through good communication, the SENCo, teacher, parents and child can work together to overcome barriers to their learning. The teachers work hard to adapt lessons to meet children's needs and have regular training on the range of strategies and resources that can be used in the classroom. Reasonable adjustments might include group or individual support, an intervention programme, or use of technology.

Most needs can be met by staff in the classroom. Sometimes advice is sought from external agencies such as Educational Psychologists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists who provide the school with useful recommendations and programmes.


Our SENDCO is Mr Allan Butcher.

 He can be contacted on 0208 992 92996 or via parentcomms@derwentwater.ealing.sch.uk

For more information on our school's approach to SEND, click on the linKS BELOW:

Derwentwater SEND Information ReportSEND Policy